Monday, February 7, 2011

Big Horse

Also found this one by typing in sculptures in google images.  This is a very good sculpture of a horse especially considering how big it is.  The artist makes use of negative space to make the horse look like it is in mid motion and about to take off and run or possibly attack.  Different textures are used to define the horse's muscles, mane, tail and hooves. 

1 comment:

  1. This piece was created as a way of bringing to life the horse that Leonardo Da Vinci always wanted to cast. There were actually two of these horses cast. Horse number one was supposed to go to Milan in honor of Leonardo, and horse number two was supposed to stay in my home town of Grand Rapids, Michigan. However, the two castings were mixed, and as a result, parts of both horses are in both cities.

    I prefer the way the U.S. horse is displayed as opposed to the Milan horse. The Milan horse stands on a pedestal, while the U.S. horse is on the ground, as the photo shows. This allows viewers to become more intimate with it. The U.S. horse is also placed in a depression in the landscape, which keeps it hidden from the viewer until he or she rounds a corner on the path which leads to it, thus giving it a much more powerful first impression.
